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IM Olivier Kenta Chiku Ratte

* 1999 (26)
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Favourite opponent Lizandro Fernando Lopez Linares (14/1/3)
Least favourite opponent Bator Sambuev (2/7/27)
Strongest win Olivier Kenta Chiku Ratte (2361) 1-0 Victor Mikhalevski (2578)
Weakest loss Olivier Kenta Chiku Ratte (1720) 0-1 Terry Song (939)

Openings Played as White (20)

D85 - Grunfeld
Average Elo: 2101
Result: 23/37 = 62,16%

D36 - Queen's Gambit Declined, Exchange, Positional line, 6.Qc2
Average Elo: 2047
Result: 24,5/31 = 79,03%

D35 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 1975
Result: 21,5/30 = 71,67%

A69 - Benoni, Four Pawns Attack, Main line
Average Elo: 2156
Result: 14/22 = 63,64%

E46 - Nimzo-Indian
Average Elo: 2042
Result: 13/21 = 61,9%

A68 - Benoni, Four Pawns Attack
Average Elo: 2129
Result: 11/17 = 64,71%

D31 - Queen's Gambit Declined
Average Elo: 2238
Result: 11/17 = 64,71%

A84 - Dutch
Average Elo: 2156
Result: 8,5/15 = 56,67%

E20 - Nimzo-Indian
Average Elo: 2317
Result: 9/15 = 60%

E76 - King's Indian, Four Pawns Attack
Average Elo: 1963
Result: 9/14 = 64,29%

D45 - Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
Average Elo: 2117
Result: 11/13 = 84,62%

A57 - Benko Gambit
Average Elo: 2019
Result: 8/13 = 61,54%

E11 - Bogo-Indian Defense
Average Elo: 2129
Result: 9,5/13 = 73,08%

D17 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
Average Elo: 2099
Result: 8/12 = 66,67%

E44 - Nimzo-Indian, Fischer Variation, 5.Ne2
Average Elo: 2089
Result: 7,5/11 = 68,18%

D46 - Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
Average Elo: 2107
Result: 9,5/11 = 86,36%

A80 - Dutch
Average Elo: 2088
Result: 7/10 = 70%

E42 - Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3 c5, 5.Ne2 (Rubinstein)
Average Elo: 2238
Result: 4,5/9 = 50%

A42 - Modern Defense, Averbakh System
Average Elo: 2209
Result: 6,5/9 = 72,22%

D15 - Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
Average Elo: 2137
Result: 6/9 = 66,67%

Openings Played as Black (20)

B38 - Sicilian, Accelerated Fianchetto, Maroczy Bind, 6.Be3
Average Elo: 2170
Result: 13,5/30 = 45%

A48 - King's Indian
Average Elo: 2309
Result: 11,5/24 = 47,92%

A70 - Benoni, Classical with 7.Nf3
Average Elo: 2111
Result: 11,5/24 = 47,92%

B76 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
Average Elo: 1888
Result: 11/21 = 52,38%

A30 - English, Symmetrical
Average Elo: 2180
Result: 14,5/21 = 69,05%

A61 - Benoni
Average Elo: 2269
Result: 5/17 = 29,41%

B75 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
Average Elo: 2227
Result: 10/16 = 62,5%

A45 - Queen's Pawn Game
Average Elo: 2166
Result: 10,5/15 = 70%

B70 - Sicilian, Dragon Variation
Average Elo: 2127
Result: 7/14 = 50%

B22 - Sicilian, Alapin
Average Elo: 2069
Result: 6/14 = 42,86%

B78 - Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 10.castle long
Average Elo: 2005
Result: 6,5/14 = 46,43%

A47 - Queen's Indian
Average Elo: 2228
Result: 8,5/14 = 60,71%

A65 - Benoni, 6.e4
Average Elo: 2268
Result: 8,5/12 = 70,83%

B50 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2022
Result: 3,5/10 = 35%

B06 - Robatsch
Average Elo: 2220
Result: 8/10 = 80%

E90 - King's Indian
Average Elo: 2155
Result: 3,5/9 = 38,89%

B25 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 1945
Result: 6/9 = 66,67%

B23 - Sicilian, Closed
Average Elo: 2045
Result: 5/9 = 55,56%

A39 - English, Symmetrical, Main line with d4
Average Elo: 2108
Result: 4/9 = 44,44%

B20 - Sicilian
Average Elo: 2223
Result: 5,5/9 = 61,11%

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1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e3 0-0 6.Rc1 Nbd7 7.Nf3 c5 8.cxd5 Nxd5 9.Bxe7 Nxe7 10.Be2 b6 11.0-0 Bb7 12.Nb5 Bd5 13.Nc3 Bb7 14.Qa4 a6 15.dxc5 Nxc5 16.Qg4 Nd5 17.Rfd1 Qe7 18.Nxd5 Bxd5 19.Qb4 Qb7 20.b3 Rfc8 21.Qd4 a5 22.Ne1 Rd8 23.Bf3 Qe7 24.Bxd5 Rxd5 25.Qc3 Rxd1 26.Rxd1 Rd8 27.Rd4 h6 28.Nd3 Rxd4 29.Qxd4 Nxd3 30.Qxd3 Qf6 31.g3 Qa1+ 32.Kg2 Qxa2 33.Qd8+ Kh7 34.Qxb6 a4 35.bxa4 Qxa4 36.Qb7 Kg8 37.h4 h5 38.Qb8+ Kh7 39.Qe5 Qc6+ 40.e4 g6 41.Kh2 Qc2 42.Qf6 Kg8 43.Qf3 Kg7 44.Kg2 Qc6 45.e5 Qc4 46.Qf6+ Kg8 47.Kh2 ½–½
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Chiku Ratte,O2331Keleberda,T2279½–½2024D55Banff op6
Hebert,J2329Chiku Ratte,O2331½–½2024E12Banff op5
Chiku Ratte,O2331Liu,Z21331–02024A64Banff op4
Khaledi,O2216Chiku Ratte,O2331½–½2024A31Banff op3
Chiku Ratte,O2331Chandra,A20731–02024D02Banff op2
Moncal,N2042Chiku Ratte,O23310–12024C45Banff op1
Chiku Ratte,O2333Jacquet,S19271–02024E71Montreal op4
Stoica,S2119Chiku Ratte,O2333½–½2024B75Montreal op5
Chiku Ratte,O2333Batorshyn,I20860–12024E85Montreal op2
Pare,M1892Chiku Ratte,O23330–12024D41Montreal op3
Singher,J1905Chiku Ratte,O23330–12024A48Montreal op1
Bauer,C2574Chiku Ratte,O23241–02024D27Francophonie-ch 10th4
Chiku Ratte,O2324Yang,J21791–02024A26New Westminster BC Day9
Chiku Ratte,O2324Wu,N19311–02024D20New Westminster BC Day7
Doknjas,N2261Chiku Ratte,O23240–12024B45New Westminster BC Day8
Chiku Ratte,O2324Rodrigue Lemieux,S25060–12024E02New Westminster BC Day5
Smykalo,S1930Chiku Ratte,O23240–12024A43New Westminster BC Day6
Chiku Ratte,O2324Chen,Y2000½–½2024A45New Westminster BC Day3
Vijayakumar,A2065Chiku Ratte,O23240–12024E01New Westminster BC Day4
Chiku Ratte,O2324Forde,S17611–02024E49New Westminster BC Day1
Tang,E1960Chiku Ratte,O23240–12024E62New Westminster BC Day2
Chiku Ratte,O2314Stefansson,V25000–12024D35Canadian op8
Duong,T2136Chiku Ratte,O23140–12024B06Canadian op9
Chiku Ratte,O2314Komarov,D2444½–½2024D45Canadian op7
Chiku Ratte,O2314Kalinin,D21181–02024D02Canadian op5
Zomorrodian,E2115Chiku Ratte,O23140–12024A00Canadian op6
Van Foreest,J2671Chiku Ratte,O23141–02024C85Canadian op4
Chiku Ratte,O2314Masse,H20821–02024E46Canadian op3
Gelet,S1980Chiku Ratte,O23140–12024B06Canadian op2
Chiku Ratte,O2314Heran Boily,S18901–02024E06Canadian op1
Chiku Ratte,O2427Lin,L22521–02024A11Laval op4
Tanaka,T2377Chiku Ratte,O2427½–½2024C58Laval op5
Chiku Ratte,O2427Guillemette,H21821–02024E15Laval op2
Saha,A2263Chiku Ratte,O24270–12024B27Laval op3
Mok,Y2049Chiku Ratte,O24270–12024C60Laval op1
Chiku Ratte,O2307Noritsyn,N24500–12024A43Montreal Maplewood Cup3
Lalonde,O1930Chiku Ratte,O23070–12024B20Montreal Maplewood Cup2
Lin,L2129Chiku Ratte,O23071–02024B22Montreal Maplewood Cup4
Chiku Ratte,O2307Mok,Y19111–02024D45Montreal Maplewood Cup1
Chiku Ratte,O2335Doknjas,J21900–12024D85Canadian zt5
Liu,Z1910Chiku Ratte,O23350–12024A14Canadian zt4
Chiku Ratte,O2335Noritsyn,S21910–12024E07Canadian zt3
Derraugh,G2189Chiku Ratte,O23351–02024E32Canadian zt2
Chiku Ratte,O2335Kang,D21021–02024E01Canadian zt1
Anton Guijarro,D2671Chiku Ratte,O23351–02024D05Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early6
Chiku Ratte,O2335Dhananjay,S22060–12024E32Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early7
Chiku Ratte,O2335Jimenez Almeida,L22001–02024A10Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early4
Chiku Ratte,O2335Kunal,M22501–02024E20Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early9
Chiku Ratte,O2335Sharan,R24070–12024D00Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early2
Chiku Ratte,O2335Williams,S24671–02024A21Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early5
Chiku Ratte,O2335Yeritsyan,H22031–02024A80Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early11
Heinemann,J2303Chiku Ratte,O23350–12024B30Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early1
Hernandez Ojeda,G2047Chiku Ratte,O2335½–½2024B48Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early10
Le Goff,R2286Chiku Ratte,O23350–12024E60Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early3
Teimouri Yadkuri,S2151Chiku Ratte,O2335½–½2024C54Titled Tuesday intern op 19th Mar Early8
Chiku Ratte,O2335Janaszak,D23081–02024D45Titled Tuesday intern op 05th Mar Late2
Chiku Ratte,O2335Stankovic,B23111–02024E90Titled Tuesday intern op 05th Mar Late3
Chocenka,D2323Chiku Ratte,O23350–12024C54Titled Tuesday intern op 05th Mar Late1
Mamedyarov,S2734Chiku Ratte,O23351–02024D00Titled Tuesday intern op 05th Mar Late4
Caglar,S2142Chiku Ratte,O2335½–½2024B49Titled Tuesday intern op 16th Jan Late1
Chiku Ratte,O2335Fernandez Diaz,C22230–12024D76Titled Tuesday intern op 16th Jan Late4
Chiku Ratte,O2335Fu,Y19381–02024D02Titled Tuesday intern op 16th Jan Late2
Ferreira,V2128Chiku Ratte,O2335½–½2024E92Titled Tuesday intern op 16th Jan Late5
Martinez Reyes,P2342Chiku Ratte,O23350–12024A00Titled Tuesday intern op 16th Jan Late3
Lawson,E2195Chiku Ratte,O23230–12023C55North American op 33rd8
Chiku Ratte,O2323Perrine,D21841–02023D35North American op 33rd5
Andriasian,Z2581Chiku Ratte,O2323½–½2023C54North American op 33rd2
Chiku Ratte,O2316Sambuev,B24801–02023D58Toronto Annex op6
Mahip,S1850Chiku Ratte,O2316½–½2023B22Toronto Annex op5
Yang,L1879Chiku Ratte,O23161–02023E73Toronto Annex op3
Campbell,R2178Chiku Ratte,O23160–12023C79Toronto Annex op2
Chiku Ratte,O2316Moon,E18581–02023E09Toronto Annex op1
Chiku Ratte,O2318Bruzon Batista,L26090–12023E16Quebec op9
Lawson,E2221Chiku Ratte,O23180–12023B48Quebec op8
Chiku Ratte,O2318Perez Rodriguez,L2328½–½2023D23Quebec op7
Chiku Ratte,O2318Libersan,T19201–02023E18Quebec op6
Batorshyn,I2014Chiku Ratte,O2318½–½2023A04Quebec op5
Chiku Ratte,O2318Zhu,H2176½–½2023D31Quebec op4
Zhang,C1953Chiku Ratte,O2318½–½2023C45Quebec op3
Chiku Ratte,O2318Duong,T2116½–½2023E15Quebec op2
Peloquin,C1791Chiku Ratte,O23180–12023C26Quebec op1
Filali,R2214Chiku Ratte,O2318½–½2023C50Francophonie-ch 9th9
Chiku Ratte,O2318Sambuev,B24570–12023E14Francophonie-ch 9th8
De Gondo,S2035Chiku Ratte,O23180–12023B80Francophonie-ch 9th7
Chiku Ratte,O2318Damia,A2240½–½2023A42Francophonie-ch 9th6
Chiku Ratte,O2318Nait,E20301–02023A69Francophonie-ch 9th3
Rodrigue Lemieux,S2495Chiku Ratte,O23180–12023B44Francophonie-ch 9th4
Guipi Bopala,P1861Chiku Ratte,O23180–12023A73Francophonie-ch 9th2
Chiku Ratte,O2318Nomenjanahary,F15901–02023A00Francophonie-ch 9th1
Demchenko,S2173Chiku Ratte,O23111–02023D00CAN Transnational op5
Chiku Ratte,O2311Han,J21400–12023E29CAN Transnational op3
Hernandez Moya,Y2202Chiku Ratte,O23110–12023C74CAN Transnational op2
Chiku Ratte,O2311Cruz,C25220–12023E28CAN Transnational op1
Shlyakhtenko,R2427Chiku Ratte,O2311½–½2023D45Chicago op 32nd8
Mardov,D2461Chiku Ratte,O23111–02023C54Chicago op 32nd6
Chiku Ratte,O2311Aadit,B19261–02023A84Foxwoods op 15th9
Chiku Ratte,O2311De la Colina,N22441–02023A69Foxwoods op 15th8
Zhou,J2555Chiku Ratte,O23111–02023A11Foxwoods op 15th7
Chiku Ratte,O2311Macieja,B25130–12023E21Foxwoods op 15th5
Chiku Ratte,O2311Fus,J2417½–½2023A23Foxwoods op 15th3